Day Five - Something you hope to do in your life.
As most of you guys have figured out I'm definitely a glass half full kinda girl. Sometimes so much so as to be a bad thing, if that's possible. People ask all the time what's the purpose of life, what's their own purpose in the world. Me? I'm happy just living my life. My purpose is to just live. To make the most out of every day and go to bed with no regrets. Usually that's easy for me to do. I don't worry about much, I don't let a whole lot get under my skin. I'm generally laid back enough to make carpets jealous.
There are however way more things I'd hope to do in my life than you're likely to sit here long enough to read, but I'm going to try and keep it short. I'm sticking with things that *I* am capable of making happen to limit the list.
1. I hope to one day be a published author, and wouldn't mind a spot on the bestseller list, but I'd be fine either way.
2. I hope to one day say that I've accomplished all my adrenaline rushes and lived through them.
3. I hope to take my Mom on another vacation to Tennessee.
4. I hope that by the time my life is over, I've been able to say that I've seen all the places I wanted to visit.
5. I hope that there will be a long list of people who I've had a positive impact on, people who will remember something I've done or said that has made a significant impact on their life and changed something for them for the better.
I think I'll stop right there, that's a pretty significant list when you think about it, so I should probably get cracking. Until tomorrow......
PS. I'm still not really back to posting on a regular schedule or visiting my beautiful blog friends as I'd like, the situation with my daughter has gone from bad to worse. She's staying with the boyfriend despite my begging and pleading.