I was really happy when this crazy chick asked me to guest post for her and I really wanted to take an idea of hers from her thirty day thingy to really keep on track with what she was writing about, but to not focus us on things i love about myself but about my family. We all have family that drive us crazy and sometimes it is a lot easier to focus on all the bad than it is the good. I really love who I continue to become because of their sweet faces!
I mean look at them, who couldn't love those silly faces?! |
- I love how eldest and my hubby are clean freaks.
- I love how eldest wants to take care of everyone and gives out so much love to the world.
- I love how hubby makes grilled cheeses, somehow he just has the magic touch.
- I love how youngest mimics so well compared to eldest when he was young.
- I love how youngest is the reincarnation of my mother... it's breath taking.
- I love that youngest was born on the anniversary date of my mothers death, cause it made it a full circle moment for me.
- I love when my eldest is sick and he is extra cuddly (horrible, i know lol)
- I love how I always have to sneak pictures of my hubby even if it does drive me nuts.
- I love doing guest posts about my family (CHEAT!)
- I love playing with my kids on a cold day cause their little cheeks and noses look so cute!
- I just love how cute they all are!
- I just LOVE THEM!
It is amazing how much love you can feel for people. It is truly one of the most remarkable of all the human emotions, as it has the power to actually dictate the choices you make and how you react to situations. They are my source of comfort, of inspiration and I thank God everyday that I get to spend with them. I thank God cause i have two healthy, strong and smart boys who will hopefully grow up with a sense of pride, respect and loyalty to our family. I hope that they will turn out to be a proud examples of men, who treat others with kindness, stand up for the weak and treat their women how they deserve to be treated, as givers of life.
With all my love and best wishes xoxoxo

Eschelle, your family sounds so fun and loving. You are doing a great job raising your children. I love the comment about being a reincarnation of your mother :)
That photo of your kids is precious!!
oh he definitely is! He was born on his EXACT due date which is only a 3% chance, not to mention it was the same day my mum passed.
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